Hung Pants, originally uploaded by pictureinfocus.
Hung Pants
Garden Land, Country Road
St. Michael, Barbados
West Indies
Series: A Walk through the Garden Land
Undoubtedly when you see a pair of pants hanging from a galvanize pailing your first thought is what on God's earth is it doing there. Was it discarded? Was it washed and then hung out? And why would it be hung outside the galvanize pailing? I cannot answer any of those questions. But I do know it was a good subject for a photographer as I walked through the Garden Land.
* pailing - the zinc-metal galvanize used for walls of the yard, or roof of the house.
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B a r b a d o s I n F o c u s
k e i t h c l a r k e p h o t o g r a p h y
f a c e b o o k
Book: Old Barbados through Photography
Book: The Parliament Buildings of Barbados
All images are protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting copying, distribution and recompilation. Please adhere to the copyright laws.
Copyright © Keith Clarke (
All Rights Reserved.
Hung Pants
Garden Land, Country Road
St. Michael, Barbados
West Indies
Series: A Walk through the Garden Land
Undoubtedly when you see a pair of pants hanging from a galvanize pailing your first thought is what on God's earth is it doing there. Was it discarded? Was it washed and then hung out? And why would it be hung outside the galvanize pailing? I cannot answer any of those questions. But I do know it was a good subject for a photographer as I walked through the Garden Land.
* pailing - the zinc-metal galvanize used for walls of the yard, or roof of the house.
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B a r b a d o s I n F o c u s
k e i t h c l a r k e p h o t o g r a p h y
f a c e b o o k
Book: Old Barbados through Photography
Book: The Parliament Buildings of Barbados
All images are protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting copying, distribution and recompilation. Please adhere to the copyright laws.
Copyright © Keith Clarke (
All Rights Reserved.