Keith Clarke has brought to the forefront the issues of preserving Old Historic Barbados. This can be seen in his two coffee table books Old Barbados through Photography and The Parliament Buildings of Barbados.
Keith has also won a NIFCA award for photography in Barbados.
Keith is available for commission or to collaborate on photography and media projects whether there be weddings, fashion photography, portrait / event / commercial photography, or books and media.
Keith has work or collaborated with many clients:
- Barbados Museum of Parliament & the National Heroes Gallery
- BEAT Inc. – Beat Barbados
- Beautiifull
- Books for Walls Project
- DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) via their award-winning American Spirit magazine, January/February 2009 issue
- Denis Grady – Musician
- Franciscan & Friends
- Hammock Inc.
- Hemma Fashion Collection
- ImagineThatMiami.com
- JPG Magazine
- Planet Barbados
- Six Inches & Highter
- The Bajan Dream Project – now the Aantillean
- The Parliament Buildings of Barbados
If you are interested in working or collaborating with me on a project please feel free to contact me at info@keithclarkephotography.com.

"If you want an education in photography, you've come to the right photostream. Pictureinfocus' work is varied and exciting! Make sure you make note of his Barbados series.
SHOOT ON Pictureinfocus!!!"
29th January, 2010

Dreamer.~ says:
"Picture In Focus has a keen sense of beauty. His comments, 'help', and tips have helped me tremendously! I remember when he told me to "think" like a professional... one day when I wasn't feeling very confident about what I was doing. I believe I'm getting the hang of it now. He has some pretty fantastic pictures in his collection... take some time to explore his pages~"
5th August, 2006
b a r b a d o s i n f o c u s , the mission
The mission is simple, to document Barbados with decent images that tells a story. To show that that there is just as much beauty in old dilapidated or historic buildings as there are in stunning images of models or inanimate objects. Beauty is everywhere.
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