Keith’s love for history and architecture lead him to document the ever disappearing old buildings, grand Jacobean homes, and the chattel houses that dot the landscape of his native homeland Barbados. This lead him to blog about his reoccurring summer visits to Barbados.
Natural progression set him on the path to compile and edit his images of Barbados into a coffee table book call Old Barbados through Photography. This book is also a reference book at the Public Library of Barbados. Keith was also a guest on the popular Mornin’ Barbados TV show and Voice of Barbados (VOB) radio program where he spoke about his love for Old Barbados.
The Parliament Buildings of Barbados is another one of Keith’s coffee table books depicting the architecture and history of the two old buildings that houses the Parliament of Barbados.
Keith is originally from Barbados but currently resides Brooklyn, New York.