On Fyah
Brooklyn West Indian American Day Carnival
Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, New York
Series: Brooklyn West Indian American Day Carnival
The Brooklyn West Indian American Day Carnival celebrated 43 years of existence this year. So you won't find me talking about the shortening of the parade route. Or the immense feeling of restriction applied by the Police Force. If I didn't know any better I would venture to say the Forces (that be) are trying to end one of New York City's most festive parades, even though it is attended by hundreds of thousands of faithful fans.
But enough of that so let us move on. Even though I did not have my Press Pass, and was unable to shoot many of the Mas Bands due to the crazy crowds that lined the Parkway, I decided to concentrate on the people watching the parade. I will tell you one thing, as soon as the pulsating music hit me, all of my troubles seem to just disappear. What a great tonic for the mind and soul the Brooklyn West Indian American Day Carnival is.
Enjoy my minor photo documentary on the West Indian Parade in Brooklyn 2010.
View the entire set.
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B a r b a d o s I n F o c u s
k e i t h c l a r k e p h o t o g r a p h y
f a c e b o o k
Book: Old Barbados through Photography
Book: The Parliament Buildings of Barbados
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Copyright © Keith Clarke (http://www.keithclarkephotography.com)
All Rights Reserved.