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Dove Bathing

Dove Bathing, originally uploaded by pictureinfocus.

Dove Bathing
Passage Garden, Passage Road
St. Michael, Barbados
Series: Passage Road, Barbados

Watching this dove bathing on the rooftop brings back so many memories. The days of hunting them are long gone. And my slingshot (gutterperk) is all but lost somewhere in my belongings, never to be used again.

From time to time my grandmother still challenges me to see if I could still catch these wonderful birds. But, I will only shoot them with my camera now.

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  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Oh how sweet :)

    I wrote a poem about an experience I had with a bird, when I lived in Mandeville. I'll share it one day next week, God willing.

    Really observant of you to capture this shot.

  2. JD, I was thinking about writing a poem about Dove Hunting to accompany this post but sleep got in the way and that was the end of it. Maybe, I will do it at a later date.
