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Malvern Old Sugar Factory

Malvern Old Sugar Factory
Island Safari Adventure Tour
Malvern, St. Joseph
Barbados, West Indies
Series: Island Safari Barbados

Excerpt from Plantation Research in 1987: Ethnographic and Historical (Chapter 6) by Jerome S Handler:

[In 1808, at the death of Francis Bayley, the estate inventory of Malvern listed 160 slaves, including 31 "men," 42 "boys," 50 "women," and 37 "girls"; in 1817 and 1820, the slave contingent numbered 243 and 260, respectively. With females averaging 54% of its slaves during these three years, Malvern
reflected a fairly typical sex ratio for Barbadian plantations; however, in terms of the size of its slave population, Malvern, as with Guinea, would have been considered a fairly large plantation (Handler and Lange 1978: 35-36).]

B a r b a d o s I n F o c u s

k e i t h c l a r k e p h o t o g r a p h y

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