Sir Garfield Sobers Gymnasium
Christ Church, Barbados
Series: Bike Riding (07-31-2006)
Finally, after riding for a bit I arrived at Sir Garfield Sobers Gymnasium. Just about everyone was jogging, running or walking. For me, my legs were tired form peddling. But I found what I was looking for in the first place, a sunset.
I took the shots quickly and headed back to Frere Pilgrim. The night was encroaching, and I had no light on the bike. A few hills to pull before I am home…
k e i t h c l a r k e p h o t o g r a p h y
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Copyright © 2006 Keith H. Clarke (
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#Barbados #Bajan #Bimshire #Caribbean #Walking #Riding #BikeRiding #LittleEngland #BeautifulSky #Sky #Clouds #Landscape #Nature #ChristChurch #StGeorge #SaintGeorge #WestIndies #BikeRiding #FrerePilgrim #ChristChurch #SirGarfieldSobersGymnasium #BDOS073106_0052