Pan in the City with The Tuk Band
Bridgetown, St. Michael
Series: Pan In the City / The Tuk Band
Music is a great ice breaker. To me, it is the soul mankind. And if you have been lucky enough to see Pan Music being played, then you have witness sweet rhythms coming from hammered out oil drum. It is still an integral part of The Crop Over festival and it can be heard all over the island.
But my heart is with Tuk music. It is the folk beat of Barbados. Its inception was from the slave days where music was the expression of the slaves in Barbados. It is an energetic rhythm of drums, flutes, triangles, and other instruments. British Regimental band music is played in Tuk style along with African dances to make the masses move. Tuk bands in festive times customarily go form village to village playing the up tempo rhythm, inviting all to come enjoy and dance.
So enjoy the images and dance to the PAN and TUK.
k e i t h c l a r k e p h o t o g r a p h y
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Copyright © 2006 Keith H. Clarke (keithclarkephotography.com)
All Rights Reserved.
#Barbados #Bajan #Bimshire #Caribbean #LittleEngland #Nature #WestIndies #Bridgetown #StMichael #PanInTheCity #TukBand #Tuk #Pan #Soca #Calypso #StMichael #PanMusic #NationalHeroesSquare #Flute #Triangle