David John Howard Thompson...RIP, originally uploaded by pictureinfocus.
David John Howard Thompson
Death of David John Howard Thompson, Prime Minister of Barbados, on 10-23-2010
Barbados, West Indies
Barbados has lost a son today. And as a son of the great nation Barbados myself, I feel the pain like my fellow countrymen. No matter your political affiliation, religion, economic standing, or social position, please join me in sending condolences to family of the late David John Howard Thompson, the sixth Prime Minister of Barbados. He will be missed by the nation of Barbados, and by people throughout the Caribbean.
B a r b a d o s I n F o c u s
k e i t h c l a r k e p h o t o g r a p h y
f a c e b o o k
All images are protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting copying, distribution and recompilation. Please adhere to the copyright laws. Please feel free to contact me if you require any of my images for purchase or licensing.
Copyright © Keith H. Clarke (http://www.keithclarkephotography.com)
All Rights Reserved.
David John Howard Thompson
Death of David John Howard Thompson, Prime Minister of Barbados, on 10-23-2010
Barbados, West Indies
Barbados has lost a son today. And as a son of the great nation Barbados myself, I feel the pain like my fellow countrymen. No matter your political affiliation, religion, economic standing, or social position, please join me in sending condolences to family of the late David John Howard Thompson, the sixth Prime Minister of Barbados. He will be missed by the nation of Barbados, and by people throughout the Caribbean.
B a r b a d o s I n F o c u s
k e i t h c l a r k e p h o t o g r a p h y
f a c e b o o k
All images are protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting copying, distribution and recompilation. Please adhere to the copyright laws. Please feel free to contact me if you require any of my images for purchase or licensing.
Copyright © Keith H. Clarke (http://www.keithclarkephotography.com)
All Rights Reserved.