St. George, Barbados
Series: Walking From Jopya Drive to Byde Mill (07-29-2006)
These Bus Stop signs are all over the island. If you are lost just look and see if the bus stop indicates you are going out of the city or heading to the city. Safe travels...
B a r b a d o s I n F o c u s
k e i t h c l a r k e p h o t o g r a p h y
All images are protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting copying, distribution and recompilation. Please adhere to the copyright laws. Please feel free to contact me if you require any of my images for purchase or licensing.
Copyright © 2006 Keith H. Clarke (www.keithclarkephotography.com)
All Rights Reserved.
#KeithClarkePhotography #Blogging #BarbadosInFocus #Documentary #CopyrightKeithHClarke #Photojournalism #Photography #Culture #Barbados #Bim #Caribbean #Islands #WestIndies #BDOS #BusStop #Bus #Stop #StGeorge #Walking #WalkingFromJopyaDriveToBydeMill #StreetSign #Sign
I known for a fact that the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association has given to the Government quite a sizeable sum of money to upgrade raod signs across the Island. However to dat nothing has been done.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the Tourist Board will update some of them soon. And now that all eyes are on World Cup Cricket 2007, perhaps it will be done sooner than later.